Title : MaxBox
Technologies :Reactjs & Nodejs
My Role :Developer
Specification :Maxbox is a platform for mail separation and handling multiple mails at a time on
a single platform.
Users get all the mails on Maxbox after configuration is done on the platform.
Users can handle multiple clients with multiple client’s mails.
Title : Saleshive
Technologies :Reactjs & Nodejs
My Role :Developer
Specification :SalesHive is a B2B lead generation software that uses cold calling, email and
linkedin to book meetings with qualified buyers by using our platform and CRM.
In this project we are working with client teams and get experience of team
works and manages all task as per all teams of QA, developers and backend.
Currently we are also working in converting the whole project into a new
technology (react js) and working on that also parallelly.
Title : TimeClock Dashboard
Technologies :Reactjs & Nodejs
My Role :Developer
Specification :TimeClock Dashboard is a platform for adjust employee hours to stay within payroll budgets, see which employees are getting more overtime, and continue to create budgeting forecasts for your next employee schedule.